What is chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is an aggressive form of chemical drug therapy meant to destroy rapidly growing cells in the body. It’s usually used to treat cancer, as cancer cells grow and divide faster than other cells.A doctor who specializes in cancer treatment is known as an oncologist. They’ll work with you to come up with your treatment plan.Chemotherapy is often used in combination with other therapies, such as surgery, radiation, or hormone therapy. The use of combination therapy depends on:

  • the stage and type of cancer you have
  • your overall health
  • previous cancer treatments you’ve had
  • the location of the cancer cells
  • your personal treatment
    Chemotherapy has been proven to effectively attack cancer cells, but it can cause serious side effects that can severely impact your quality of life. You should weigh these side effects against the risk of going untreated when deciding if chemotherapy is right for you. preferences

How to prepare for chemotherapy ?

As chemotherapy is a serious treatment for a serious condition, it’s important to plan ahead before beginning therapy. Your doctor and hospital staff will help you anticipate the potential problems associated with treatment. Before you begin therapy, you’ll undergo a series of tests to help determine if you’re healthy enough for chemotherapy. This will include examinations of your heart and blood tests to determine the health of your liver. These tests can also help guide your doctor in deciding which types of chemotherapy to use in your treatment. Your doctor may also recommend that you visit your dentist before beginning treatment. Since chemotherapy affects your body’s ability to heal, any infection in your gums or teeth could potentially spread throughout your body. Your doctor may install a portif you’re getting chemotherapy through an intravenous (IV) line. A port is a device that’s implanted in your body, typically in your chest near your shoulder. This allows for easier access to your veins and is less painful. During each treatment, the IV will be inserted into your port.

Preparation tips

Consider these preparation tips for chemotherapy treatment:

  • Make arrangements for work. Most people can work during chemotherapy, but you may want to be put on a lighter workload until you know what types of side effects you may be experiencing.
  • Prepare your house. Do laundry, stock up on groceries, and do other tasks you may be too weak to do after your first appointment
  • Arrange for any help you might need. Getting a friend or family member to help with household chores or caring for pets or children can be extremely beneficial.
  • Anticipate side effects. Ask your doctor what side effects you may experience and how to plan accordingly. If infertility could be a side effect and you want to conceive a child, you may want to store and freeze sperm, eggs, or fertilized embryos. You may want to purchase head covers or wigs if hair loss is likely.
  • Begin therapy or join a support group. Talking to someone outside of your family and circle of friends about what you’re going through can help you remain optimistic. It can also help calm any fears you may have about treatment

    Where you receive treatment depends on your chosen delivery method. For instance, if you use creams or pills, you can give yourself treatments at home. Other procedures are usually performed at a hospital or a cancer treatment center.Your chemotherapy schedule, as in how often you receive treatment, will be customized for you. It can be changed if your body doesn’t handle the treatment well, or it can be increased or decreased depending on how well the cancer cells react to treatments.